Why forming an LLC in Mexico is ideal for Business
A common question clients ask is – what corporate form is best in terms of doing business in Mexico? The default answer should always be the Limited Liability Company or LLC in Mexico.
Outsourcing in Mexico
Outsourcing in Mexico presents several complications for foreign companies that arise for three principal reasons: (1) Mexico’s strict labor and employment laws pertaining to severance, (2) costly social security and government benefits, and (3) on-going tax filing compliance requirements.
Obtaining an RFC or VAT registration number to sell on Amazon Mexico
How to get a Mexican tax number to sell products online (or anywhere) About two years ago, I was invited by Amazon to speak to a handful of their executives about a problem that has plagued Amazon’s growth prospects in Mexico, the complications for foreigners to...
Complying with new VAT requirements for foreign digital service providers in Mexico
New Mexican tax rules as of June 2020 By: Emeka John Eni, Esq. The Mexican tax authority, the SAT or Servicio de Administracion Tributaria, has recently issued new rules that will take effect in Mexico after June 1, 2020, for foreign companies offering digital...
Reopening of the Mexican Economy in times of COVID-19
The road to economic recovery after covid19 Mexico as with many countries in the world, has faced a dramatic decrease in economic activity due to the government’s efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19. Many investors and businesspeople at this time wish to...